2011 m. gegužės 16 d., pirmadienis


It is one of the hardest tasks for me, but I think I am starting to improve. It is much easier than at the beginning of the course, but I still need more practice and keep more focused on grammar, because it is my weak point.

Short talks
I think I improved, I can speak more fluently now and increased my knowledge on a lot of different subjects. I found it difficult to search for information for my short talks, but it is easier now.

To my mind, it is the area in which I am best, because I am used to speak impromptu, I think I improved a lot in last term and did not have much room to grow in this one.

Power Point Presentation
It was the hardest task of speaking, because I had a lot of information and not enough time. I think I could improve more in information selection, so that my power point presentations would be more interesting and I would not rush my speech.

Online materials
It was one of the easiest tasks for me, because I am used to listening and do not find any difficulties in it. Online listening sound quality is quite good so it is easy to understand what is told.

Listening to cassettes was a bit harder than listening to the online material, because the sound quality was lower and often the tasks were harder, but despite that I that I think I done pretty well, but there still is some room to improve by practicing.

Formal tests in class
This task was hardest of all for me, because I hate to go over and over the same thing to learn something and for this task it was necessary. I done pretty bad formal tests in class, I think I could improve by reading modules more often.

Class tests online
I think it was easy I hardly made any mistakes over this year in this exercise, I think it is because i was well prepared in school.

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