2011 m. gegužės 10 d., antradienis

Summary of “Scared to death: the link between stress and coronary heart disease”

It is widely known that heart diseases are caused by numerous physiological factors such as: smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, high levels of serum cholesterol, diabetes, lack of exercise. Recent studies focused of psychological factors and some evidence was found.

Firstly, in 1994 near Los Angeles after earthquake a lot of people who survived but remained in building crushed or trapped faced death from heart attack, it was called Northridge Effect. Most of those people, who died from heart attack, had history of coronary heart disease. Two studies were conducted considering heart attacks and coronary hearts disease as psychological risk factors. Results were shocking, stress and depression can cause a heart attack.

Secondly, the fact that psychological factors can cause coronary heart disease is undeniable. Not only that psychological factors causes risk related behavior such as smoking and poor eating habits, but also increase blood pressure, induce inflammation, cause physiological changes that damage blood vessels over time.

Thirdly, knowing that in modern life stress is unavoidable, scientists suggest activities which reduce stress. Researchers tried using thoughts about a supportive friend or watching a funny movie before stressful activity and it was helpful.

In the end, not only physiological factors cause stress, but also psychological, so people should try to protect themselves from both risk factors. Using the knowledge of science it can be done.

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