2010 m. lapkričio 23 d., antradienis

Psychology of Language

Language-a system of human communication using words, written, spoken and particular ways of combining them. It is essential for communicating in everyday situation and we probably would not imagine our life without language.

To start with, basic structure of language rest on grammar. Every language has it, because it determines how our thoughts can be expressed. Grammar is divided to phonology, syntax and semantics. Phonology studies phonemes which are basically sounds. Syntax refers to the rules which indicate how to form sentences. Semantics studies the meaning of words and sentences.

In addition, language is very hard to learn. That’s why I will discuss some major points of learning it. The first step of learning it is babbling. It is production of different sounds, which is irreplaceable for training to make a word. Later on two-three year old child’s speech can be telegraphic-he leaves out some words, because his vocabulary is still poor. By the fifth year children acquire basic rules of language, but still don’t have full vocabulary and can’t understand more complex grammatical rules. Also the children develop their language faster if their parents talk in more intellectual language.

In conclusion, learning language takes a lot of time and effort. It consists of difficult system, but everyone must learn it, because it would be hard to imagine a life without language.

References: Robert S. Feldman “Understanding Psychology” 9th Edition

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