2010 m. lapkričio 2 d., antradienis

Summary of "You are how you wait: Queue Psychology"

Queuing started at the World War I and II.

Most common kinds of lines in Europe: multi-server queues-each serving counter has separate waiting line, in USA: “snake” line-all counters are served by one single line.

Most important thing is not how much time is spent in line, but how much time is thought that is spent, that was confirmed by Jacob Hornik (perception 30 percent longer than real time).

In 1950s when complaints about long elevator waiting time started, there were put large mirrors next to the elevators and people started caring more about their appearance than time.

Major airline companies recently got complaints about long waiting time to pick up bags. Average waiting time was 8 minutes, but customers were unhappy, because people without luggage did not have to wait and they saw them leave early.

To deal with complaints airline began parking airplanes at the other side of the terminal, so everyone walked 7 minutes and those with bags only had to wait additional minute (complaints stopped).

When queue-jumping, the person who is most likely to object such behavior is the person right behind the intruder, but people who stand few places behind would rarely protest.

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