2010 m. lapkričio 23 d., antradienis

Summary of “Time in bottle”

A lot of newly legal drinkers, the people who turn 21, celebrate their birthdays with alcohol and this often ends with vomiting.

Midnight drinking of the first hour of 21st birthday is called “power hour”. College students tend to drink more than their non-college peers. 40 percent of American college students would be classified as heavy drinkers.

Clayton Neighbors with colleagues studied what encourages college students to use alcohol. Social norms are the best predictors of drinking; more drinking students think that other would approve of their drinking. Men and club members tend to drink more, but students, who are encouraged by peers to drink, drink less.

Using alcohol to forget problems leads to alcohol related problems. Also, alcohol causes problems such as negative self-impairment, aggression, cognitive and behavioral impairment.

Students drink more when they associate it with positive things. To reduce college students’ drinking it is needed to change the views on alcohol consumptions from positive to negative.

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