2011 m. balandžio 28 d., ketvirtadienis

Personality Test

I have done two personality tests: Jung typology and The Big Five personality test. After receiving my results, having analyzed them I want to discuss the pros and cons of these two personality tests I have taken.

Firstly, I want to say that I was doing those tests honestly, but some answers to the questions were not direct or questions were abstract, some answers depends on situation and could be answered differently every time. In this category I think The Big Five test was better, because it had more answers to choose from.

Secondly, test results are quite the same, both say that I am sociable, dependent on feelings, disorganized, creative. Also there were some differences: in Jung test results had more details, even articles were written, while The Big Five test had only a comment on different aspect. I found one difference in my results: The Big Five says I am critical, rude, but Jung test says I am kind, forgiving. I think it’s because of the different questions and because of my difficult personality those results are not alike.

Thirdly, information I got from tests are not exact, it is very exaggerated, it seems like there are very big differences in different types of people and it seems like this test can tell it all, but I see only one side of the coin in these test. It covers only one part of me, which can be seen in public, so it says I am very outgoing, dependent on feelings, lack responsibility, but I love spending time alone or just with best friends in nature or relaxing in the park. I am very rational, I do a lot of evaluating what to do, what not to, but I cannot do what I do not want or vise versa. I love doing crazy stuff, but I take responsibility for my actions.

To sum up, these tests are fun, but they don’t cover everything and they just emphasizes on some characteristics, which make results seem very categorical. These ideas are only based on my own results so, if you feel doing these tests go ahead, you might find some interesting facts to think about and they may be more accurate than for me.


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