2011 m. balandžio 28 d., ketvirtadienis

Stress Test

Recently I have done an online stress test. I was really surprised by the results so I have tried explaining them to myself.

To start with, my overall score was 3,74 out of 5, the higher score-the less stress person has. My score meant that I am stressed and short professional counseling could improve my life. It was weird because I don’t feel more stress or feel bad.

What is more, I realized that test might not be suited for me, because some questions was about pain or fighting, while I am karateka I cannot avoid neither of those. Also, I do not have good relationship with my mother and had few quarrels recently. In addition I am a student, sleepless nights, rushing everywhere is the style of life for me, so that should have affected the score.

In conclusion, I think that I might be little stressed, but there is nothing wrong with it, I am adjusted to it and if there was no stress there was no reason to do anything. I admit that there might be more stress than casual person has in his life, but the professional counseling is not necessary for me, I feel comfortable with my life and I think the stress I have keeps me going forward, if there was less I think I felt that my life was boring.

References: http://www.suite101.com/content/psychological-disorders-a16446

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