2011 m. balandžio 28 d., ketvirtadienis

Mulltiple Inteligence Test

Recently I have done few Multiple Intelligence tests online to find out my weaknesses and strengths, to check how much reliable they are.

Firstly, both tests I done showed that kinesthetic and intrapersonal intelligences are well developed in me. I think it is natural, because I was doing sports since I was little, also was involved in dancing, what is more I love parties, I easily understand people, I am empathic, this should help with my future profession.

Secondly, musical intelligence was also high, I think it is because I had a lot to do with music, I played a piano, I danced, as I mentioned before, also I was involved in music making, moreover I just love music and cannot live without it. What is funny that my logical/math intelligence in one test was one of the highest and at the other average, but I think it is one of my strengths, because I had a high score in my national math exam, also I did well in a lot of math contests and many people recognize my sense of logic, I think this characteristic of mine will be very useful in psychology, because there are a lot of tasks when needed to find some kind of link between something.

Thirdly, my spatial intelligence is quite high, it is probably the cause of being keen on drawing in a childhood. Linguistic intelligence is average, I do not think that I use it a lot so o do not think is my strength and I do not need it, intrapersonal intelligence is quite low, well I think it is, because I am difficult person so it is even hard for me to understand myself sometimes. The lowest score got my naturalist intelligence, but I think it is obvious, I do not make a lot of concern about nature and I do not act like I do.

To sum up, the tests I have done shown me nothing new, but they were fun, they are free of charge so everyone can do one. I think that you should not trust them blindly, if you get results which were unexpected do some more tests and see that maybe the test that was poor. Anyway, I enjoyed this task.

References: http://literacyworks.org/mi/assessment/cgi-bin/results.cgi

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