2011 m. gegužės 16 d., pirmadienis


It is one of the hardest tasks for me, but I think I am starting to improve. It is much easier than at the beginning of the course, but I still need more practice and keep more focused on grammar, because it is my weak point.

Short talks
I think I improved, I can speak more fluently now and increased my knowledge on a lot of different subjects. I found it difficult to search for information for my short talks, but it is easier now.

To my mind, it is the area in which I am best, because I am used to speak impromptu, I think I improved a lot in last term and did not have much room to grow in this one.

Power Point Presentation
It was the hardest task of speaking, because I had a lot of information and not enough time. I think I could improve more in information selection, so that my power point presentations would be more interesting and I would not rush my speech.

Online materials
It was one of the easiest tasks for me, because I am used to listening and do not find any difficulties in it. Online listening sound quality is quite good so it is easy to understand what is told.

Listening to cassettes was a bit harder than listening to the online material, because the sound quality was lower and often the tasks were harder, but despite that I that I think I done pretty well, but there still is some room to improve by practicing.

Formal tests in class
This task was hardest of all for me, because I hate to go over and over the same thing to learn something and for this task it was necessary. I done pretty bad formal tests in class, I think I could improve by reading modules more often.

Class tests online
I think it was easy I hardly made any mistakes over this year in this exercise, I think it is because i was well prepared in school.

2011 m. gegužės 10 d., antradienis

Summary of “Scared to death: the link between stress and coronary heart disease”

It is widely known that heart diseases are caused by numerous physiological factors such as: smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, high levels of serum cholesterol, diabetes, lack of exercise. Recent studies focused of psychological factors and some evidence was found.

Firstly, in 1994 near Los Angeles after earthquake a lot of people who survived but remained in building crushed or trapped faced death from heart attack, it was called Northridge Effect. Most of those people, who died from heart attack, had history of coronary heart disease. Two studies were conducted considering heart attacks and coronary hearts disease as psychological risk factors. Results were shocking, stress and depression can cause a heart attack.

Secondly, the fact that psychological factors can cause coronary heart disease is undeniable. Not only that psychological factors causes risk related behavior such as smoking and poor eating habits, but also increase blood pressure, induce inflammation, cause physiological changes that damage blood vessels over time.

Thirdly, knowing that in modern life stress is unavoidable, scientists suggest activities which reduce stress. Researchers tried using thoughts about a supportive friend or watching a funny movie before stressful activity and it was helpful.

In the end, not only physiological factors cause stress, but also psychological, so people should try to protect themselves from both risk factors. Using the knowledge of science it can be done.

2011 m. balandžio 28 d., ketvirtadienis

Summary of "Stress Busters"

There are records of how people under pressure unwind. There are discovers a lot of interesting ways how they do that.

Firstly, some people choose to run to the seaside or the fantasy world by writing. For a member of parliament sea is relaxing, for the advertising agency chairman writing.

Secondly, there are people who are calmed by physical work. Domestic tasks for bank executive, gym training, yoga for the TV editor-in-chief helps to unwind.

Thirdly, family-not all have a chance to unwind just at home. Business executive thinks that good sense of humor and family is all you need to forget your problems and the marriage counselor feels that spending time with her partner and gardening in the summer is what makes her calm.

To sum up, everyone has a sacred place or activity that helps them unwind. Different people got different kinds of ways to relax.

Summary of "Giving Entire Cultures a Personality Test"

There are a lot of different personalities around the globe, so it is natural that stereotypes of people in different cultures appear. A test was created which can measure if the stereotypes about it are true.

Firstly, the test was developed by a large group of researchers and was called the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. This test is unique because it can be used in a fifty different countries and can measure national character, perception of national character.

Secondly, the results of the test showed that stereotypes were false. It is thought that those stereotypes may be outdated or exaggerated. National character is, as indicator of how people see themselves but not how they actually are.

To sum up, the experiment on stereotypes of personality differences of people in different cultures was carried out and the results show that the stereotypes are far from the truth.

Summary of “The mystery of memory”

Sciences of memory are only a century old. Psychologist discovered that there are short-term and long-term memories.

To start with, long-term memory is divided into procedural memory and declarative memory. Procedural memory is more stable than declarative. Recovering memory is divided into recall and recognition. Recognizing is easier than recalling.

What is more, “eidetic” - photographic memory. All have this memory in childhood, but most lose it when they grow old.

In addition, human brain consists of brain cells and memories are made by making connections between brain cells. To retrieve missing information it is useful to try to remember information associated with the one which is missing.

To sum up, neuroscientists are trying to explain how coherent conscious experience is made. By that they are improving our life.

Happiness in Nations

Recently I have been doing some research on happiness in nations, so I have found some interesting info and I would like to share it. I will compare Lithuania as it is my home country with Japan and Bhutan.

Firstly, Lithuania according to most surveys I watched is neither in the top nor the bottom on the list of country happiness, it is just about in the middle of the center and the end of the list. Actually it is no surprise that Lithuania is not one of the happiest countries in the world, life expectancy is 66 for males and 78 for females, males life expectancy is the lowest in the European Union. With population of 3,2 million and GDP per capita 10605$, just an average European country, where people are happiest when they are young, when they do not have to care about the salary.

Secondly, Japan is totally different country from Lithuania, with different economy, culture, landscape and so on, but it’s only slightly happier that Lithuania, as surveys says. It is a real surprise, because this nation has strong sense of collective identity, which other researchers have associated with well-being. Although GDP per capita is amazingly 42325$ and life expectancy is 82.6 it is the highest in the world. People are not so happy, it is probably of the landscape, which is risky to live at, because a lot of earthquakes and tsunamis appears.

Thirdly, Bhutan is the country that I was never heard before I started this research and that is why it caught my eye, it was one of the top happiest countries. Money cannot buy happiness, with GDP per capita of only 1400$ and life expectancy only 55 years this small country is something extraordinary. Scientist thinks that happiness in this country is the result of unspoiled culture, unusually strong sense of national identity and beautiful scenery.

In the end, there are a lot of ways to become happy and Lithuania could learn from other countries, like Bhutan. My research also shows that money not always means happiness, there are many ways to improve it and I wish that Lithuanian people will become happier in the future.

References: http://www.physorg.com/news73321785.html

Biorythm test

Recently I have calculated my biorhythm, I am actually skeptical about it, so I tried to find some proof that it is just a hoax. I matched recent events with my biorhythm and here is what I have got.

Firstly, when I was writing my ESPN test my Intellectual biorhythm was at 42% and Intuition was at -82%, my score on ESPN was only 30%, but I don’t think that biorhythms had anything to do with that, I was just simply not ready for that test.
Secondly, when I was doing my stress test, my result was that I was stressed, my Emotional biorhythm was at -33% and spiritual 62%, I cannot find strong correlation here, either.

Thirdly, I was at my karate competition, I was ready for it, I thought I was going to win it, but I took third place, though my Physical, Intuition and Emotional biorhythms were at their peak.

All in all, my attitude towards biorhythms have not changed, I still do not believe that they make some difference, well at least not for me, maybe for some other people they work.

References: http://www.procato.com/biorhythm/

Personality Test

I have done two personality tests: Jung typology and The Big Five personality test. After receiving my results, having analyzed them I want to discuss the pros and cons of these two personality tests I have taken.

Firstly, I want to say that I was doing those tests honestly, but some answers to the questions were not direct or questions were abstract, some answers depends on situation and could be answered differently every time. In this category I think The Big Five test was better, because it had more answers to choose from.

Secondly, test results are quite the same, both say that I am sociable, dependent on feelings, disorganized, creative. Also there were some differences: in Jung test results had more details, even articles were written, while The Big Five test had only a comment on different aspect. I found one difference in my results: The Big Five says I am critical, rude, but Jung test says I am kind, forgiving. I think it’s because of the different questions and because of my difficult personality those results are not alike.

Thirdly, information I got from tests are not exact, it is very exaggerated, it seems like there are very big differences in different types of people and it seems like this test can tell it all, but I see only one side of the coin in these test. It covers only one part of me, which can be seen in public, so it says I am very outgoing, dependent on feelings, lack responsibility, but I love spending time alone or just with best friends in nature or relaxing in the park. I am very rational, I do a lot of evaluating what to do, what not to, but I cannot do what I do not want or vise versa. I love doing crazy stuff, but I take responsibility for my actions.

To sum up, these tests are fun, but they don’t cover everything and they just emphasizes on some characteristics, which make results seem very categorical. These ideas are only based on my own results so, if you feel doing these tests go ahead, you might find some interesting facts to think about and they may be more accurate than for me.


Stress Test

Recently I have done an online stress test. I was really surprised by the results so I have tried explaining them to myself.

To start with, my overall score was 3,74 out of 5, the higher score-the less stress person has. My score meant that I am stressed and short professional counseling could improve my life. It was weird because I don’t feel more stress or feel bad.

What is more, I realized that test might not be suited for me, because some questions was about pain or fighting, while I am karateka I cannot avoid neither of those. Also, I do not have good relationship with my mother and had few quarrels recently. In addition I am a student, sleepless nights, rushing everywhere is the style of life for me, so that should have affected the score.

In conclusion, I think that I might be little stressed, but there is nothing wrong with it, I am adjusted to it and if there was no stress there was no reason to do anything. I admit that there might be more stress than casual person has in his life, but the professional counseling is not necessary for me, I feel comfortable with my life and I think the stress I have keeps me going forward, if there was less I think I felt that my life was boring.

References: http://www.suite101.com/content/psychological-disorders-a16446


Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another and I am going to talk about human cloning, because I think most of us know about it from science fiction movies than from the news. I wish that this information will be interesting to you as it was to me.

Firstly, there are three types of human cloning: therapeutic, reproductive and replacement. Therapeutic cloning involves cloning cells from an adult for use in medicine and is an active area of research, it clones only the organs of human body to use them as transplants so that the body of the patient would not reject them. Reproductive cloning is making human clones. Replacement cloning is only theoretically possible and would entail the replacement of an extensively damaged, failed, or failing body through cloning followed by whole or partial brain transplant.

Secondly, the ethical views on human cloning are very different, but most of the countries banned all kinds of human cloning, but there are countries where it is legal. In some countries therapeutic cloning is legal, but the thing is that private clinics can do all kinds of researches on cloning and the law cannot control that.

All in all, human cloning is not science fiction anymore, it is the real thing, but most countries, religions look at it skeptically and it slows downs its research. I think it is the future of the regenerative medicine and at least therapeutic cloning should be approved in most of countries.

References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_cloning

Psychology of Creativity

At first we have to define what creativity is. Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a person creates something new that has some kind of value. And there are four kinds of creative abilities: fluency-the ability to produce lots of ideas, flexibility-ability to produce lots of different types of ideas, originality-ability to produce unusual ideas, elaboration-the ability to develop those ideas. Knowing this we can start talking about how creativity works and what effects it.

Firstly, according to Graham Wallas there are five stages of creating an idea. First: preparation-preparatory work on a problem that focuses the individual's mind on the problem and explores the problem's dimensions. Second: incubation-where the problem is internalized into the unconscious mind and nothing appears externally to be happening. Third: intimation-the creative person gets a "feeling" that a solution is on its way. Fourth: illumination or insight-where the creative idea bursts forth from its preconscious processing into conscious awareness. And fifth: verification-where the idea is consciously verified, elaborated, and then applied. This is how ideas are created.

What is more, there are some things that effect creativity and one of these things is personality. A lot of researches have been done and there was found correlations between personality types and creativity. Personality consists of big five: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism. Neuroticism, extroversion and especially openness to experience have positive correlation to creativity, whereas conscientiousness has negative correlation, but only for art, not science.

Moreover, motivation also effects creativity and it is something you can change so it is important if you want to become more creative. After lots of researches it has been proved that extrinsic motivation negatively affects creativity, whereas intrinsic motivation affects it positively. Extrinsic motivation-motivation caused by outside effects like reward, intrinsic motivation-motivation caused by inner things like joy of doing something, because it is fun. People who are forced to do something do it less creatively, so if you think about your task not like work, but more like a game it will be easier to do and it will become more creative.

To sum up, creativity is a phenomenon which can be found in human nature, but science of psychology had shown that it is something that can be controlled. With some knowledge about creativity, you can increase it, this can make your work more efficient and original.

References: http://www.csun.edu/~vcpsy00h/psy444.htm

Mulltiple Inteligence Test

Recently I have done few Multiple Intelligence tests online to find out my weaknesses and strengths, to check how much reliable they are.

Firstly, both tests I done showed that kinesthetic and intrapersonal intelligences are well developed in me. I think it is natural, because I was doing sports since I was little, also was involved in dancing, what is more I love parties, I easily understand people, I am empathic, this should help with my future profession.

Secondly, musical intelligence was also high, I think it is because I had a lot to do with music, I played a piano, I danced, as I mentioned before, also I was involved in music making, moreover I just love music and cannot live without it. What is funny that my logical/math intelligence in one test was one of the highest and at the other average, but I think it is one of my strengths, because I had a high score in my national math exam, also I did well in a lot of math contests and many people recognize my sense of logic, I think this characteristic of mine will be very useful in psychology, because there are a lot of tasks when needed to find some kind of link between something.

Thirdly, my spatial intelligence is quite high, it is probably the cause of being keen on drawing in a childhood. Linguistic intelligence is average, I do not think that I use it a lot so o do not think is my strength and I do not need it, intrapersonal intelligence is quite low, well I think it is, because I am difficult person so it is even hard for me to understand myself sometimes. The lowest score got my naturalist intelligence, but I think it is obvious, I do not make a lot of concern about nature and I do not act like I do.

To sum up, the tests I have done shown me nothing new, but they were fun, they are free of charge so everyone can do one. I think that you should not trust them blindly, if you get results which were unexpected do some more tests and see that maybe the test that was poor. Anyway, I enjoyed this task.

References: http://literacyworks.org/mi/assessment/cgi-bin/results.cgi